
Office Break !

Office Break !
Everyone loves a treat in the office especially in the late afternoon when energy levels are dropping,
It’s at this time that drinking a good cup of tea or coffee can revitalize you :
Here are three good reasons to drink tea or coffee or eat biscuits or chocolates in work :
– Increase your concentration ability
– They taste great !
– Reduce fatigue
Tea or coffee breaks have become a ritual in the workplace. According to a study of companies 77% of employees even consider this to be a privileged moment of relaxation. “Breaks are not time robbed from the employer, but on the contrary are essential moments at work. They allow spontaneous exchanges and creative ideas”.
Better still, for nearly three out of four employees, the break is a way to strengthen cohesion within a team and to ease tensions (65%).
Finally, the break is “a subject of time management” where gains can be made in productivity of the company”. The managers also have everything to gain by offering a tea break. So next time, enjoy a cup of hot tea, coffee or hot chocolate?

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