
How to organise your office!

Is your desk always messy? Are you getting frustrated with missing items? Maybe it’s time to organise your desk.

It is way too easy to get distracted with other work you are doing and then slowly letting the paper work pile up bit by bit until you don’ know where anything is and one little movement could make the stacks of paper fall down on you. So what do you do? Sit there and let it build up? NO! Go get a filing cupboard, or a file organiser. Once you have something, fill it with all the work you need. Don’t keep paperwork you don’t need because it clutters and there’s really no need for it.

  • Remove anything you don’t need from your desk.

Sort out a pens and pencils into pens and pencil pots, this keep all of them together and mean that you aren’t cluttering your desk with pens and pencils. Do the same with paperclips, staples etc. This will ensure you have maximum space to do your work.

  • Have an ‘every day draw’.

This draw will be the closest one to you and will have everything you need for your day to day at work. Things like a notepad, stapler, calculator, memory stick etc.

  • A Calendar.

Calendars are really helpful for marking down important deadlines you need to meet; this means you know when you have to get things done. If you don’t want a calendar, then you could use the calendar on your phone.

  • Tidy away wires.

Wire get all over the place and in the way of the work you are doing. Gather all the wires you can and clip them together and tuck them around the corner, this will clear up even more space for you to work.

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