Fun, Office Supplies Ireland

DIY Office Decorations for this Christmas!

Deck the halls with… whatever you like! These simple decorations are perfect for putting the Office in Christmas spirit. Do you wanna build a snowman? All you would need is an old pair of socks (though you might want to wash them first), fabric and some beads, voila! A lovely little buddy to sit on… Continue reading DIY Office Decorations for this Christmas!

Wellbeing in the Office

Germs in the Office

Here are five things you should definitely clean in your office! Computer mouse and keyboard Other than the odd person on your computer you are the only one to touch your mouse and keyboard, so really how dirty could things get? In actual fact people rarely clean the mouse and keyboard and that’s when the… Continue reading Germs in the Office


Winter is coming!

The clocks have gone back, the days are shorter and most of us are stuck in offices during the brief periods when the sun decides to make an appearance. The commute to work is dark. The trip home, also dark. It’s freezing, and everyone around you is sneezing and coughing. Winter can be a nightmare… Continue reading Winter is coming!

Advice, Office Life, Office Supplies Ireland, Productivity, Wellbeing in the Office

Why Is It Important To Schedule ‘Me Time’?

In this day and age, we have an urge to constantly be busy, putting our energy in to something useful otherwise we feel we won’t achieve anything. To some extent it’s true – non-stop pushing yourself may give some measure of success. Making yourself the top priority is hard when you have seemingly endless to-do… Continue reading Why Is It Important To Schedule ‘Me Time’?


Healthy Halloween Treat Options

Sweets, costumes and horror movies are the best! It’s Halloween and we have some ideas for those looking to minimize their sweet intake. There’s nothing wrong with a little treat every now and then, but Halloween is usually filled with loads of kid’s sweets and leftovers from trick or treating. If you’re looking for an… Continue reading Healthy Halloween Treat Options